IBD+ Newsletter
We strongly recommend subscribing to our official email newsletter, which will be the main communication channel besides this website. Like this you won’t miss any important information or updates regarding IBD+ 2025 including the tours and events.The platform used is the same we use for booking the IBD+ 2025 so that you need an account anyhow – no worries, the account is free of charge.It might be a good idea to set up your account early rather than doing so at the last minute just in case something goes wrong (not that we expect it, but Murphy's Law applies).By clicking on the titles or triangles you can expand or collapse the topics one by one; the buttons below do so for all with a single click.
Home – Pre, Post and Day Tours – Events during IBD+
Organisational: General Info – Getting there – Newsletter – Registration – Weather/Packing
Transport: Tours and IBD+ – Trains – Local – Planes – Cars
Germany: Fun Facts – Important – Currency – Electrical – Shopping – WiFi/Mobile - Emergencies
To log in click on the menu entry “Login” on the Booking system web site to open the login page:Just enter your credentials and off you go... with a click on the Login button.Usually, your username is your Mensa membership number prefixed by your country code, or in case of a guest account the email address used to register. If you have problems logging in and resetting the password did not work, please get in touch with Cirsten at office@mensa.de.Register – Create an Account
If you do not have an account on the online booking system of Mensa in Germany yet, you should create one now.In order to register visit this page: Registration:Just fill in your details and make sure you select the checkbox next to “Ich habe die Nutzungsbedingungen gelesen und akzeptiert.” in order to accept our terms of service and conditions (sorry, that part has not yet been translated) and click on register.As for the gender you can choose between male (“männlich”), female (“weiblich”), diverse (“divers”), or enter what you think is appropriate in the free text field labelled “Freieingabe”.Please note that by default your account will use your email address as username! For members of Mensa Germany the account is the country code “049” followed by the membership number.Subscribe to the Newsletter
After logging in, select My Account > Subscription or use this direct link.We are sorry, but this page is not yet available in English, but we intend to change this... in the near future.In the upper part with the title "Abonnements" followed by your name you can see your subscriptions; further down underneath the title "Alle Abonnements" you see a list of all subscriptions available.In order to subscribe to the IBD+ 2025 newsletter click on the entry "ibd2025-newsletter" – by the way: A much faster way to subscribe is to use the direct IBD+ newsletter link.Just click on the button "Abonnieren" to subscribe.Unsubscribe from the Newsletter
To unsubscribe follow the same steps but click on the button "Abbestellen" which will have replaced the "Abonnieren" button.Home – Pre, Post and Day Tours – Events during IBD+
Organisational: General Info – Getting there – Newsletter – Registration – Weather/Packing
Transport: Tours and IBD+ – Trains – Local – Planes – Cars
Germany: Fun Facts – Important – Currency – Electrical – Shopping – WiFi/Mobile - Emergencies