Pre, Post and Day Tours

We will offer two long and two short pre and post tours as well as som eday tours before, after and during IBD+ 2025.

From 11.11. at 11:11 o'clock until end of 2024 you are invited to tell us on IBD+ Statement of Interest what you're interested in.

The real thing - the 8-day tours to expolore Germany:Since some of you might fly into Frankfurt since it might be cheaper or more convinient the Pre-Tour starts at Frankfurt, but we're happy to assist if you rather join the tour from Düsseldorf.

In addition we offer 4-day tours in the Rhine Main area in case 8 days is a bit too much:

And for visitors we will have the odd day trip on offer like these:

Please note that we can offer these day tours several times as well as on any day of IBD+ 2025 and even as pre or post event – when stating your interest you can indicate which days you'd prefer this event to be on offer.

In addition to these tours we'll prepare quite a few Events during IBD+

Home – Pre, Post and Day Tours – Events during IBD+
Organisational: General Info – Getting there – Newsletter – Registration – Weather/Packing
Transport: Tours and IBD+ – Trains – Local – Planes – Cars
Germany: Fun Facts – Important – Currency – Electrical – Shopping – WiFi/Mobile - Emergencies