Events during IBD+

During IBD+ 2025 we intend to offer the odd event for the visitors happening by who are not IBD delegates

From 11.11. at 11:11 o'clock until end of 2024 you are invited to tell us on IBD+ Statement of Interest what you're interested in.

Please note that you need to register on our systems to be able to state your interest or (later) book and that you might want ot subscribe to the IBD+ newsletter.

Here's a list of what kind of events we intend to offer you - sorted alphabetically.

Home – Pre, Post and Day Tours – Events during IBD+
Organisational: General Info – Getting there – Newsletter – Registration – Weather/Packing
Transport: Tours and IBD+ – Trains – Local – Planes – Cars
Germany: Fun Facts – Important – Currency – Electrical – Shopping – WiFi/Mobile - Emergencies