Trivia, Tunes, and Toasts

Apart from showing you Germany with a certain focus on Düsseldorf region the plan is to prepare some evening events to teas your brains (PubQuiz), your voice (Karaoke), or throat and such.

If you have any suggestion what you would recommend or like to enjoy, thanks to indicate as suggestion below


Please note that we intend to organise several events of this type on more thant one day during IBD+ 2025... if we see interest in them.
We just put these generic events on one day for the statement of interest to not clutter the booking page.


Directions (from IBD Hotel)

When the real events will be on offer the directions on how to get there starting from the Maritim hotel will be supplied.

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Transport: Tours and IBD+ – Trains – Local – Planes – Cars
Germany: Fun Facts – Important – Currency – Electrical – Shopping – WiFi/Mobile - Emergencies